Monday, March 9, 2009

Going farming

It is damn tricky to make any money trading in this environment so I guess sticking to simple strategies is probably the best way to try and accumulate wealth while the world is tumbling around you.

Somebody asked me the other day why I am buying equities in a market that continues falling.

That's easy

1. Nobody can pick the bottom to the cycle. We've seen huge sell-offs and maybe we will see more losses but I think that we're getting to a point where some of the good SA businesses are starting to offer some value.

2. I am young enough that I need some kind of long term nest-egg and forced savings method to ensure I'm not blowing what I have grown. If I depend on monthly salary cheques or income from my businesses and I blow all of that, then in reality I am going backwards. By sticking some money into quality, income generating stocks trading well below their NAV I am creating a type of forced savings to carry me through that I won't be tempted to dip into.

Good old Jim Rogers was on Bloomberg yesterday and he said that he reckons it will be the farmers driving the Lamborghini's in the coming years and that kind of ties in with some of my thinking that farming and agriculture are going to be great places to invest over the next few years. I've got a few shares in Zeder - who announced a pretty interesting deal yesterday with KWV - and I'm planning to add to the Pioneer Food Group shares in my portfolio as well as look at adding Crookes Brothers as well.

Otherwise, selling pressure remains constant in the US and the Nikkei bounced off intra-day lows.

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