Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shopping list

A bit of income is coming into my account again at the end of this month and I'm going to be using some of that cash to add some more shares to my portfolio.

As things stand at the moment, I'll be adding the following shares

PSG: Jannie Mouton continues to buy up these shares left, right and centre. I've previously blogged on why I think PSG remains a good buy and Mouton has been good at returning value to shareholders so I'm going to rely on his judgement here.

Capitec: As far as banking offerings going, Capitec remains one of the most exciting in the sector from a growth perspective. At a time when consumers are looking for the most cost-effective offerings around, Capitec would fit the bill and I wouldn't be surprised if they pick up customers in these tough times.

Altron Preference shares: I indicated in previous posts that I think preference shares are going to be a handy asset class in the coming months and combined with the demand for power related projects, I think it makes sense to add some of the Altron Prefs to the ordinary underlying shares in the portfolio as well.

Growthpoint: Income remains key to growing my portfolio and an investment in a blue chip property offering like Growthpoint will hopefully boost this aspect of my portfolio.

Milkworx: My cheap and nasty turnaround punt. I promised myself I would add a few more of these at 3c so I would be able to participate further in the rights issue.

Beige: Again I've blogged on this company before but my argument was that it trades at a nice discount to NAV and keep tucking a few of them away....

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